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网络科学将自己确立为建模时间序列和复杂系统的重要工具。这个建模过程包括将集合或单个时间序列转换为网络。节点可以代表完整的时间序列,段或单个值,而链接定义了所代表部分之间的关​​联或相似性。 R是数据科学,统计和机器学习中使用的主要编程语言之一,并提供许多软件包。但是,没有单个软件包提供将时间序列转换为网络的必要方法。本文介绍了TS2NET,这是一个用于将一个或多个时间序列建模为网络的R软件包。该软件包提供了时间序列距离函数,可以在超级计算机和超级计算机中轻松计算,以处理较大的数据集和方法,以将距离矩阵转换为网络。 TS2NET还提供了将单个时间序列转换为网络的方法,例如复发网络,可见性图和过渡网络。与其他软件包一起,TS2NET允许使用网络科学和图形挖掘工具从时间序列中提取信息。
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Simulating quantum channels is a fundamental primitive in quantum computing, since quantum channels define general (trace-preserving) quantum operations. An arbitrary quantum channel cannot be exactly simulated using a finite-dimensional programmable quantum processor, making it important to develop optimal approximate simulation techniques. In this paper, we study the challenging setting in which the channel to be simulated varies adversarially with time. We propose the use of matrix exponentiated gradient descent (MEGD), an online convex optimization method, and analytically show that it achieves a sublinear regret in time. Through experiments, we validate the main results for time-varying dephasing channels using a programmable generalized teleportation processor.
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Electricity prices in liberalized markets are determined by the supply and demand for electric power, which are in turn driven by various external influences that vary strongly in time. In perfect competition, the merit order principle describes that dispatchable power plants enter the market in the order of their marginal costs to meet the residual load, i.e. the difference of load and renewable generation. Many market models implement this principle to predict electricity prices but typically require certain assumptions and simplifications. In this article, we present an explainable machine learning model for the prices on the German day-ahead market, which substantially outperforms a benchmark model based on the merit order principle. Our model is designed for the ex-post analysis of prices and thus builds on various external features. Using Shapley Additive exPlanation (SHAP) values, we can disentangle the role of the different features and quantify their importance from empiric data. Load, wind and solar generation are most important, as expected, but wind power appears to affect prices stronger than solar power does. Fuel prices also rank highly and show nontrivial dependencies, including strong interactions with other features revealed by a SHAP interaction analysis. Large generation ramps are correlated with high prices, again with strong feature interactions, due to the limited flexibility of nuclear and lignite plants. Our results further contribute to model development by providing quantitative insights directly from data.
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Despite the impact of psychiatric disorders on clinical health, early-stage diagnosis remains a challenge. Machine learning studies have shown that classifiers tend to be overly narrow in the diagnosis prediction task. The overlap between conditions leads to high heterogeneity among participants that is not adequately captured by classification models. To address this issue, normative approaches have surged as an alternative method. By using a generative model to learn the distribution of healthy brain data patterns, we can identify the presence of pathologies as deviations or outliers from the distribution learned by the model. In particular, deep generative models showed great results as normative models to identify neurological lesions in the brain. However, unlike most neurological lesions, psychiatric disorders present subtle changes widespread in several brain regions, making these alterations challenging to identify. In this work, we evaluate the performance of transformer-based normative models to detect subtle brain changes expressed in adolescents and young adults. We trained our model on 3D MRI scans of neurotypical individuals (N=1,765). Then, we obtained the likelihood of neurotypical controls and psychiatric patients with early-stage schizophrenia from an independent dataset (N=93) from the Human Connectome Project. Using the predicted likelihood of the scans as a proxy for a normative score, we obtained an AUROC of 0.82 when assessing the difference between controls and individuals with early-stage schizophrenia. Our approach surpassed recent normative methods based on brain age and Gaussian Process, showing the promising use of deep generative models to help in individualised analyses.
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We examined multiple deep neural network (DNN) architectures for suitability in predicting neurotransmitter concentrations from labeled in vitro fast scan cyclic voltammetry (FSCV) data collected on carbon fiber electrodes. Suitability is determined by the predictive performance in the "out-of-probe" case, the response to artificially induced electrical noise, and the ability to predict when the model will be errant for a given probe. This work extends prior comparisons of time series classification models by focusing on this specific task. It extends previous applications of machine learning to FSCV task by using a much larger data set and by incorporating recent advancements in deep neural networks. The InceptionTime architecture, a deep convolutional neural network, has the best absolute predictive performance of the models tested but was more susceptible to noise. A naive multilayer perceptron architecture had the second lowest prediction error and was less affected by the artificial noise, suggesting that convolutions may not be as important for this task as one might suspect.
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Dimensionality reduction has become an important research topic as demand for interpreting high-dimensional datasets has been increasing rapidly in recent years. There have been many dimensionality reduction methods with good performance in preserving the overall relationship among data points when mapping them to a lower-dimensional space. However, these existing methods fail to incorporate the difference in importance among features. To address this problem, we propose a novel meta-method, DimenFix, which can be operated upon any base dimensionality reduction method that involves a gradient-descent-like process. By allowing users to define the importance of different features, which is considered in dimensionality reduction, DimenFix creates new possibilities to visualize and understand a given dataset. Meanwhile, DimenFix does not increase the time cost or reduce the quality of dimensionality reduction with respect to the base dimensionality reduction used.
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The usage of deep neural networks in safety-critical systems is limited by our ability to guarantee their correct behavior. Runtime monitors are components aiming to identify unsafe predictions and discard them before they can lead to catastrophic consequences. Several recent works on runtime monitoring have focused on out-of-distribution (OOD) detection, i.e., identifying inputs that are different from the training data. In this work, we argue that OOD detection is not a well-suited framework to design efficient runtime monitors and that it is more relevant to evaluate monitors based on their ability to discard incorrect predictions. We call this setting out-ofmodel-scope detection and discuss the conceptual differences with OOD. We also conduct extensive experiments on popular datasets from the literature to show that studying monitors in the OOD setting can be misleading: 1. very good OOD results can give a false impression of safety, 2. comparison under the OOD setting does not allow identifying the best monitor to detect errors. Finally, we also show that removing erroneous training data samples helps to train better monitors.
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There is an increasing need in our society to achieve faster advances in Science to tackle urgent problems, such as climate changes, environmental hazards, sustainable energy systems, pandemics, among others. In certain domains like chemistry, scientific discovery carries the extra burden of assessing risks of the proposed novel solutions before moving to the experimental stage. Despite several recent advances in Machine Learning and AI to address some of these challenges, there is still a gap in technologies to support end-to-end discovery applications, integrating the myriad of available technologies into a coherent, orchestrated, yet flexible discovery process. Such applications need to handle complex knowledge management at scale, enabling knowledge consumption and production in a timely and efficient way for subject matter experts (SMEs). Furthermore, the discovery of novel functional materials strongly relies on the development of exploration strategies in the chemical space. For instance, generative models have gained attention within the scientific community due to their ability to generate enormous volumes of novel molecules across material domains. These models exhibit extreme creativity that often translates in low viability of the generated candidates. In this work, we propose a workbench framework that aims at enabling the human-AI co-creation to reduce the time until the first discovery and the opportunity costs involved. This framework relies on a knowledge base with domain and process knowledge, and user-interaction components to acquire knowledge and advise the SMEs. Currently,the framework supports four main activities: generative modeling, dataset triage, molecule adjudication, and risk assessment.
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